National Security

Ariento CEO Chris Rose joins Los Angeles Chapter of FBI’s InfraGard

Ariento CEO Chris Rose has been accepted as a member into the Los Angeles Chapter of the FBI’s InfraGard Community. InfraGard is a partnership of individuals representing businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and communities who are dedicated to collaborating and sharing information to prevent hostile acts against the United States.

Today, there are 45,000+ members in over 80 local chapters. These members work with the FBI to help protect the nation’s critical infrastructure from computer intrusions, physical security breaches, and other attacks. Each FBI field office works with at least one chapter to discuss threats and share experiences and best practices.

Ariento is a veteran-owned company that provides various cybersecurity and IT related services to small and medium size businesses.

To learn more about Ariento, visit the company’s website at For more information on the FBI’s InfraGard program in Los Angeles, please visit