Business Owner

The Responsible Business Owner

The Responsible Business Owner

Resisting change is normal. We wouldn't be human if we didn't have an emotional, almost visceral reaction to major departures in the way things are done. You wouldn't be the successful business owner that you are if you jumped on every new product or service every time a sales person got you on the phone or showed up at your office. In fact, you'd be bankrupt and there would be no business left to run. 

In the world of change, there is temporary and there is permanent. Successful businesses are able to identify the difference between "trends" and "fundamental shifts". They resist the flash in the pan trends, but when they see a fundamental shift, they not only embrace it, they lead the way.

So, which is cybersecurity? 

Do you travel? Follow these 7 tips to avoid being hacked

Do you travel? Follow these 7 tips to avoid being hacked

Whether it’s once and a while or you consider yourself a road warrior, the recent data breaches at HyattOmniTrump HotelsHard RockStarwood, and Hilton have brought to light just how vulnerable you are when you travel. Follow the seven tips below and you’ll be safer when you travel.